Monday, January 23, 2012

How many salaries in America are being paid from Iraq's money (oil)?

How many million people in America are LIVING OFF Iraq's money (oil)?

50% of all economically active population (both legals and illegals, Anglos, blacks, etc), the other 50% are being paid of ARmenian inventions

Language and technology are transmitted by contact between cultures and viceversa, the apostles (jews) taught Christianity to the pagans as the Armenians taught their language (Indo-European) to the people living in North, Central and Western Europe, just the Basques still speaking a non-Indo-European language but now they all speak a Indo-European language (spanish)

So, the people living in those regions are neither natives speakers of Indo-European nor native believers of Christianity. They learned both, the language and the technology from the Armenians, the religion from the Jews.

Same case with Arabs spreading their religion and language throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Iberia and even Indonesia.

The so-called 'Jewish nose', prominent among modern Jews, Syrians, and Arabs is evidence of transfusion of Armenid (Hurrian) genes into the Semitic races. In Europe the Armenid type was omnipotent among the Celtic colonists of Britain and Ireland, and the Etruscans of Italy. The Anglo Saxons, the Swiss, the Scandinavians, the French

The painted priestly heads and surviving mummies of the pharaohs and their queens indicate that for generations Egyptian royalty belonged to the hawk nosed Armenids

A strong, hooked nose was a sign of leadership among the Romans whose many prominent men possessed such members. Then there are the beak nosed fairy tale witches, possessors of supernatural and magical powers, who can fly, brew medicine, and have power over life and death. This veneration of the high bridged nose has come down to our present days and has materialized in the symbol of the United States the Uncle Sam -- who is adorned with a prominent Armenid nose.

It is of great significance to note that Ptolemy’s map of "Geography of Asia Minor", 140 A D lists five cities in Armenia, which have their counterparts in Mayan Central America: i.e., Chol/Cholula, Colua/Coluacan, Zuivana/Zuivon, Choilima/Colima, and Zalissa/Xalisco!

In ARmenia, ther is an older Stonehenge, called Karahunj, Karahunj is 3, 500 years older than England’s Stonehenge and 3, 000 years older than the Egyptian pyramids

Stone” in Armenian is “kar” and “henge” (a word which is absent in English) is the same “hunj” (voice, sound, echo in Armenian).……

And DO NOT tell me civilization was created by the mron Henry Ford super genius and other Nordic thieves

If you follow there insanity its quite simple really,the German Supremacist and Nordic theorist put themselves as the creators of all civilizations. The Aryan's in their day,were the Germanic's,they were the Supreme Race or the ten very popular Aryan Race. This Thule society preeched Pan-Germanicism under the guise using Aryan Race.

The Aryan's were the Hyperboreans(from the Ice Paradise of Thule) the great Nordic race that came out've the North Pole,there refuge from their crash landing from Mars. After the last Ice Age they came out to form the Atlanteans...Atlantis ,their utopia, sunk via natural disaster so they spread out across Europe giving rise to the Romans,the Greeks,the Persians, the Egyptians the Mesopotamian even reaching East Asia in places of China and India and Tibet. The Indo-European languages term wasn't even created yet, at that time it was called Indo-Germanic. But once their great Mediterranean and Asian empires began to receive inferior racial/genetic input from the Mediterranean and Alpine races(usually seen as Semitic) their Blond Hyperborean Nordic Empires became to crumble %26amp; the few Nordic's left fled back to Scandinavia their re-energizer source to wait for the time to come back down . So everything of Classical and Historical worth from the Mediterranean or Asian creation did in fact belong to the pre-historical Germanic-Nordic Aryan,so the Germans were simply retaking their own creations and former lands.

I don't find it healthy nor sane to be taking seriously early 20th century Pan-Germanic/Nazi-Nordic racist lunacy in any way shape or form. Those bastards wanted to rob everything from my ancestrial history %26amp; culture and give it to themselves..their Racial and Culture theives..

The name of ARmenia is connected with the Indo-European root AR- meaning light, sun, fire found in ARARat (Mount), ARyan, ARta etc and related to IRan

In ARmenia is the final resting place of Noah's Ark (Mount ARARat)

BTW, this awesome video is wrong…

What real link or proof do we have that Germans are really Aryans (Indo-Europeans)?

At first you have to make base consideration about what do you mean by "real aryan"?

How many salaries in America are being paid from Iraq's money (oil)?
$9 billion of US aid to Iraq is currently unaccounted for, many other nations canceled Iraq's debts to help the economy of the new regime - and what price on the lives of the soldiers who died ousting the Saddam Hussein regime? USA has already spent over $1 trillion as a direct result of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Are you suggesting that the Shi'a majority, the Marsh Arabs and Kurds in Iraq would prefer Saddam, his sons, Chemical Ali et al back in charge?

The oil industry throughout the Middle East was discovered and set up by Western countries and Western engineers - or are Middle East countries allowed to "steal" all this expertise to develop their oil industries without paying for any of it?

Your original post is arrant, anti Western nonsense

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