If impose by the executive body.(president, mayor, governor) like martial law.What are the rules for the US Military being used inside our country?Only by the order of the PRESIDENT
What are the rules for the US Military being used inside our country?
Rioting in the streets would be an appropriate venue for use of their talents. It has been before.What are the rules for the US Military being used inside our country?For the US MILITARY to be called for law enforcement it would take the President to call them for duty.
The Gov. of any state can call their States National Guard into service for any thing that is needed. Ie.. Hurricanes, tornado's, or any other natural disaster.What are the rules for the US Military being used inside our country?
The Military was used in 1968 Detroit riots and at Kent State in Ohio in the early 1970's and Clinton used the military against the Compound in waco when he was President, and in all 3 of those instances, the military should not have been used.....period. There are other lesser instances and they should not use the military there also. The state police and local law enforcement should have handled the situations. The US Military should not be used against its own population, that was decided after the civil war when bro fought bro and father fought son.During national disasters and emergencies the Nat Guard and military can be used for humanitarian assistance, but not an act of aggression against its own citizens.
It would require a directive from the President; and the governor of each state can activate the National Guard during a local disaster.
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