Sunday, February 12, 2012

What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?

I want to know which part of the military, such as a Navy Seal, the Marines, a National Guard, or etc., would require the most amount of training and/or discipline. Please help me out by telling me.What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?I'd probably say any of the SOFs are probably the most trained and most disciplined.What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?
People from any branch in the Personal Reliability Program.鈥?/a>What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?When I was in the Navy, I was put on ship called the USS Kitty Hawk, and just dealing with people treating us like slaves was the hardest part. It was stupid stuff like having to tuck our hooded sweater into our pants, not being able to stay out past midnight, not being able to have a girlfriend unless I have a buddy with me, being in 2 different duty sections (3 section and 4 section), having to write what I'm doing on liberty for the whole week on monday with the threat of going to mass if I did anything I didn't write, charlie liberty which is being restricted to the ship for 6 months at a time in port without going to mass, working from 5 in the morning to midnight every day, having to work 72 hour shifts with 8 hours off in port, being inspected just to go to work by a guy that has a no shave chit and being told to go back and shave - i would go back but not shave - and he couldn't even tell that I didn't, having to wear my dress blues to leave base, not being allowed to drink, being tried for mass on my first day there for being in a space during a fire drill which the tortured us - stuff like wearing a full sea back and standing at attention for 4 hours straight, and being inspected by everyone I walk by whether in civilian cloths or not just to name a little bit of the stupid stuff. That's how I ended up spending 5 years of my life and I never even broke a 'real' rule until the last year of my six. I ended up going to mass, they made a rule while I was on leave that we couldn't drink past midnight, nobody told me so I got busted for it. That sixth year was nothing but, and I mean nothing but restriction to the ship, starving because they didn't serve food on the ship, literally begging for food to survive, and going into debt because I had off-base housing which I was no longer entitled to because I was busted down to E-3 and couldn't move out because I was on restriction...I still owe $12,000. The most discipline that it took for me was not killing anyone in a homicidal rage...or killing myself.What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?
The Marines are famous for their discipline.

The "parts" you are looking for are called "Branches." In the USA those branches are Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marines.

All branches require discipline to succeed, but the Marines really take it to the next level.What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?The Joint Chiefs. Sitting there while the armed services committees preach at them without drawing their sidearms and opening fire requires supreme discipline.What part of the military requires the highest amount of dicipline?
coast guard. you should join them or the air force you super stud!

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