Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How far would an Military policemen come to combat situations?

I want to become a military policemen. I was wondering if they ever came close to combat situations.How far would an Military policemen come to combat situations?very close to combat. of course it also depends upon who you get attached to out on ops.How far would an Military policemen come to combat situations?I was stationed at Tan Son Nhut Air Base (Saigon International) in 1969-70. I would often see US Air Force Security Police in full combat gear guarding the perimeter fence. Army and Marines were every where too, but the AF was right up at the fence helping. At that time, we could hear the war way off in all directions 24/7. Sometimes a bomb blast would be a bit louder than normal and someone would joke, "INCOMING".How far would an Military policemen come to combat situations?Yes, the military police do go into forward combat areas at times and they do serve in forward outposts.

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