Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What military branch is best for officers in the long run?

I have looked into every branch in the military and have done years of research, I have decided I wanted to be a military officer as my career for a while now. I probably can go to the academies with my grades. Though my main question is whether the Marine Corps, Army, Coast Guard, Air Force, or Navy is better to be an officer in the long term.What military branch is best for officers in the long run?It kind of depends on what a guy wants to do as an officer. There are less choices available for graduates of the Naval Academy than the Air Force Academy or West Point since in general they can only serve as line officers initially. Restricted line and Staff communities such as Intelligence and Meteorology are not options. Coast Guard Academy commissioned Ensigns usually serve a first tour on a cutter:鈥?/a>

With the exception of Midshipmen or Officer Candidates selected to become Naval Aviators or Naval Flight Officers, all freshly commissioned Marine 2nd Lieutenants select their MOS at TBS following commissioning, regardless of commissioning source. The TBS class is split into thirds based on performance at TBS: top, middle, bottom. Each 2nd Lt ranks every available MOS and then each MOS is assigned equally from each third to achieve an equal quality spread among Mos. In other words ranking high in the bottom third beats everything except ranking high in the top third even though the overall rank is lower. The process is detailed in the Mos Handbook available at this link:鈥?/a>

Consider the location of the bases for the various service branches and the likely locations for the particular position one wishes for. In general, most feel that Navy bases are in the best locations and Army are in the least desirable. Serving as an Academy commissioned Navy officer will also entail time aboard ship. Even officers quarters are very cramped. A young officer will be sharing a small room with one or more other guys.

If you are a high school junior, the Naval Academy is accepting applications for the Summer Seminar till April 1. West Point SLS accepts applications for SLS till April 1. Coast Guard Academy AIM is still accepting applications. Usafa Summer Seminar stopped accepting applications Feb 28.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

West Point offers the widest choice of majors among the service academies. Air Force and Navy offer about the same, then Uscga and Usmma the least. A Usmma Mid can direct commission to the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines or Navy or serve eight years in the USN Merchant Marine Reserves. The environments of the Academies are also quite different. West Point is somewhat isolated but the campus has everything including its own ski slope. Annapolis is a marriage of town and gown.

The selection process is nearly identical at West Point, the Naval Academy, and the Air Force Academy, so whatever is stated on one service academy website or in its catalog with regard to admissions generally holds for the others. If you read the following answer and open the links it should help to explain the selection process and the path to an appointment:;鈥?/a>

The Air Force Academy website offers outstanding advice to students prepping for a service academy, rotc scholarship or any highly selective university. Open all links to the left of the dialog box:鈥?/a>

Good Luck!What military branch is best for officers in the long run?
I went to the Coast Guard Academy for three years and have had a lot of friends go to different academies and come from a military family. The advice that I would give to any of my friends and family is to not go to a service academy. Here's why - only about a third of the students entering actually graduate. And the whole time you are there you'll be miserable.

The best thing you can do for yourself is get an ROTC scholarship to a reputable college. I had one to Notre Dame also and it gives basically all the same reward (you shouldn't have to pay much of anything). You'll actually enjoy college and have a good chance of graduating.

If you don't get an ROTC scholarship, the second thing I'd recommend is going through OCS. You basically get your degree and then go through a 6 months intensive officer training course. The guys there had a good program from what I could tell and I think they almost all graduated too.What military branch is best for officers in the long run?It depends on what you want to do. If you want to stay in for a career (20 years) probably the Army is the best because it has a larger number of officers. Every time you turn around, the Air Force is trying to cut officers. It also depends on what you want to do. If you are an infantry type, then the Army or Marine Corps is a good choice. If you are more science or technically oriented then the Navy or Air Force would be good for you. You have left out another branch and that is the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard Academy is also a good choice.What military branch is best for officers in the long run?
Pretty much what that guy said, minus the part about you forgetting to mention the coast guard. I'd like to add one more thing: All pilots must be officers of some kind, be it commissioned or warrant officers. The Army's got the best flight program where they train all of their helicopter pilots from scratch (you can even enlist and choose it as your MOS). Aside from that you pretty much have to go the commissioned officer route with a 4 year degree under your belt.What military branch is best for officers in the long run?If yo want discover the best approach to finding your perfect match and find compatible local singles in your area! --maybe you can try

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