Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?

I've been considering careers in foreign service, Politics, FBI and the State Department. I'm a Junior in college now thinking about switching out of accounting to finance and polisci double major and doing an extra year so I can finish those degrees and do ROTC. Is the military a good move for me given my situation and the state of the economy?Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?Yes!Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?
It could be but it's not necessary. Gov't is one of the areas where employment is up. 9,000 jobs last month. So that would be a good career in today's climate.Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?Yes, do it.
The military would be a good move if you want to get killed.Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?I don't know, we just had a very experienced guy from the military run for president and lost to an utter clown....

The military is a good way to strengthen your education.

You should also try looking at economics classes, because the need for those who have those degrees went up greatly.Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?
Do the ROTC thing and don't hesitate. After being in the military a while, I'm sure you'll discover that it's much more honorable and better paid than any of the jobs you've mentioned. You can't go wrong, believe me.Is time in the military always the best way to start a career in Public Service/Government Organizations?
The military is a safe bet for a steady paycheck, there are other benefits such as tuition assistance, post 911 GI bill and others. As far as a steeping stone toward a good Gov job; military service will always look good on your resume and time in service can be placed toward retirement for certain Gov jobs.

Don't be put off by others guaranteeing death in a combat zone. There are many different options available for people who wish to join the military. Most everyone is not put on the front line. You have a better chance getting killed driving to work then you do in Iraq.

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