Sunday, February 12, 2012

What would happen if we abolished the military?

If we abolish the military, are we getting the piece and quiet we are asked for? Are the poor going to become educated and not poor? Will people develop more intelligence? Are we going to become prettier in and out:)? As far as I know the military is something primitive, and makes us ugly, stupid and mindless. It has produced nothing but helped people kill eachother, there is nothing intelligent about it but intelligence on the other side or the opposite of good. What should we do then? What's it gonna be? What do you think?What would happen if we abolished the military?You should know, you must know, that if we abolished the military we would surely be destroyed. Remember what happened the last time we downsized the military, in the 90s? Oh yeah--terrorism. 1993, 1996, 1998. Crazy crap like that. Also, the reason they felt comfortable in attacking on 9/11 is because Americans were perceived as weak. Why? Because we had nearly dismantled the Navy and we were working on the other branches too. No, that would surely be our end.What would happen if we abolished the military?
If we'd abolished the military, say in November 1941, I'd be typing this comment in either Japanese or German. Any other questions?

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What would happen if we abolished the military?you would not be free for very long, and might end up dead very fast.
let's abolish the military and see how you like speaking another language. the minute that happens, every nation in the world will be beating our bordres down looking for our resources. you don't like the military, move to france. you'd fit in well thereWhat would happen if we abolished the military?While I'd love to agree, the idea is just too idealistic... even conceding the likely scenario that someone with a military will attack. Frankly, the only thing keeping US currency afloat worldwide is the US military.What would happen if we abolished the military?
If we abolished the military, then the evil people of the world would immediately attack us and kill most of us using nuclear weapons. The rest would be enslaved.

That is the fate of all people who feel like you.

Peace, of the kind you propose, is immoral. You have a responsibility to protect yourself, your loved ones and your nation. If you refuse, you do not deserve to live. And the nature of humanity makes it pretty certain that you will not.
We'd become slaves under someone else's totalitarian regime. Sounds great!

Sorry, but there will always be evil in the world, requiring force to be kept at bay.What would happen if we abolished the military?
Your young..aren't you?

The basic aspect for any country having a military protect the nation that has it. Although this has been bastardized throughout Military history. The basics are the same. We need one..for no other reason then because this earth is a hostile environment.

Don't let whats been going on shadow you into believing we don't need one. because a usurping President is "Using" our military for all the wrong..selfish reasons..don't let that color your wont always be like this..Bush is on his way out.
If we abolished the military, hundreds of thousands of people would suddenly be out of a job, flooding the job market which is already overrun with jobless people. Half of those people are too stupid (I know I've been in the military) to know how to hold any kind of job, and so would end up homeless. We would then be vulnerable to other countries that do still have a military and what to take us over, so we would immediately be thrust into a war that we can not fight. Some allies of ours might stick up for us, but I am sure we would have to help them with money, and that would further hurt our economy. Our country would be in a worse depression than we have ever seen in history and the US would begin to collapse. Eventually someone would take us over and life probably wouldn't be nearly as good as it is now, plus we would have a military again, just under a different government.
Wow, such terrible things would happen if we did this riduculous idea. No we won't get peace and quiet, muslim terrorits and every kind of criminal would operate out the US because we couldn't do anyhting about it. The poor will become more poor. People would not develop more intellegence. People don't develop intellegence....They learn things, but no not having a millitary will not help them learn more. No we would not become prettier, we would become a nation of crimials over time because people aren't good by nature. The military is not primitive and does make anyone ugly, stupid, or mindless. It allows us to defend ourselves against those who would wish dead around the world. It allows us to defend others who would be preyed on by others around the world.
Canada crosses the boarder and liberates michigan. Cuba liberates Florida, and Mexico takes back the west. Our economy collapses, because the only uninvaded part of the country is Illinois, and that's only because Chicago's Republican Guard has forced beachheads in Iowa, Missouri, and Kentucky, and the 1st Blagojevich Armored Cavalry has taken Green Bay and Indianapolis. Navy Pier is renamed "Richie Daley Naval Yard", and landing craft are headed towards the U.P. in preperation for subjugating Canada. Blagojevich finally get's his wish and turns everyone south of I-80 into a peasant.
ask your president what is he gonna do if he is not playing golf with Blair
america would suffer we are now.....before my time the US military had some of the most power...we could take out anyone...but if we were to dismantle the army we would be overthrown by mexico, canada(????), and the countries overseas....america is nothing without it's armies.....and since we are not using the armies like we are supposed to other countires and terrorists know that they can come on our soil and start causing closing america would be nothing without its armies, and the only reason we won the wars in the past is because the military struck fear in all but now we come off as a joke to all
You have got to be kidding. Without the military it would take nary a day for our country to be over run by all the hoodlums that reside on this fair planet. Our Military is there to protect us not to wage war on anyone that doesn't see our way. In addition a hidden plus for our Military is the making of men and women leaders that this country sorely needs. Since the abolishment of the draft and the new kid gloves treatments afforded our people in uniform I feel that a major turnaround is needed to get us back on track.
As long as you agree there is greed and evil, we need a military.

As a person, would you take the locks off your house, or regularly leave the keys in your unlocked car?

anyone who has been a victim of a crime, or had a loved one who has been a victim, (from a large or small robbery, to an attack/ rape, to terror attacks) knows the need for safety and security.

We can't get rid of the local police, the DEA, or any law enforcement, let alone the military. The world simply isn't that perfect.
I think you'd get at least what we have now. Jimmy Carter attempted to do away with the military and Clinton cut funding, too. We need to be able to defend ourselves. If others, particularly terrorists, know we can't defend ourselves, they will be even worse. In an ideal world, we wouldn't need the military. But this is far from an ideal world.
If we lose the military you can kiss your freedom good-bye. We would live in a world that considers your opinions illegal and get sent to jail. We would not be free today with out military and the brave men and woman that voluntarily fight for our rights everyday. There are extremely intelligent people in the military and I can't believe how close minded you sound. Everyone wants peace unfortunately it means we are going to have to fight for along time for it. Support you Troops!!!

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