Sunday, February 12, 2012

How does reporting misconduct work in the military?

I'm reading an article in Newsweek about large numbers of rape cases. Most it claims go unreported due to soldiers figuring their commanders simply ignore it, or the fear that their careers will be stepped on, if they make waves....Does this happen, in the military? Isn't there simply a police force like SF's who are obligated to investigate everything....?

And also are there large numbers of sexual assaults in the military, or is it typical for any society

Thanks for any and all responsesHow does reporting misconduct work in the military?rapes do happen...i can tell you a little about one i know of..the lawyer harrassed the girl so much and threatened her about talking about it...when they were in two different time was in the pacific region the other on the east coast..that in the end the girl said screw it and got out..its one thing to belittled by someone and not believed..its worse when its another woman..the lawyer called when it was convenient to her..not to the person who made the complaint...and it was follow up questions over and over...i think of her as a classA beotch!How does reporting misconduct work in the military?i dont know

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